Allagash White

There are certain beers that I will always associate with specific eras or moments in my life, and Allagash White definitely is one of those beers. About 4.5 years ago I met a girl for a first date. I chose Audubon Circle as the venue, that was always a go-to place for me, cool atmosphere without being stuffy, noise level that […]

Allagash Dubbel

The Belgian dubbel style, the malty and darker beer originally developed in Trappist monastaries, is not nearly as coveted by American craft beer enthusiasts as other similar styles. When it comes to Trappist styles it seems like more breweries make the bigger and boozier quadrupels and the lighter colored tripels that are amenable to higher doses of hops. […]

Allagash/Maine Beer Co/Rising Tide Prince Tuesday

Unlike many industries that focus entirely on competition, craft brewers love to collaborate. Most of the popular craft breweries have brewed collaboration beers, Sierra Nevada is even releasing a 12-pack with twelve different beers each brewed with a different brewery this Summer. In a seminal series of articles Bangor, ME based beer writer Chad Lothian had a group […]

Allagash Saison

I have learned a lot about the saison style by sampling many of the local versions over the last few months. The diversity of flavor profiles and ingredients used in saisons is remarkable, it’s reinforced my love of the style. I think the blank canvas of the style allows for unmatched creativity, which is probably […]